I don't need glasses! I can see just fine.
Now, I am a pampered dog and I like to have my toenails polished and my fur brushed, but having writing on me does nothing for my street cred. I mean, I have to chase those horses and do you think they take me serious when I have Ho Ho Ho wrote across my forhead? I don't think so. And Stoopid Goose must be really blind cause he tried to pull off my fake glasses. I still have a sore spot on my nose from that. I hate that goose.
And what of some pretty lady dog comes by and sees that? How would I impress her with words all over me? What if she can read?
Sometimes I don't mind it so much. If it is not a lot of writing and it makes me cuter. But when they use the Sharpie and it stays for days and days, it kinda bugs me. Or when they draw smiley faces on my butt. How can anything be intimidated by a dog with a smiley butt?
Maybe I can find those markers and chew them up. But that would probably be "Bad Dog" and I don't want to get in trouble with my Mom. I'll have to think about this one for a while. It helps me think when I chase the horses, so I think I'll go do that. Bye!!