Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Finally, Fall!

Well, it has been a very, very long summer. I am so glad that it is fall now. 'Cept I don't know what is falling. I been looking at the sky, but I haven't seen anything yet.

My Mom has been really busy and she says she has not had time to help me keep up with my blog. One day, I am gonna learn to type. That'll show her! Then she'll have to get me a laptop too.

Ok, I have been a little busy myself. I have been learning a lot of stuff this summer. I learned not to follow Mom when she leaves. I learned to be the man of the house when Dad is not home. (That is hard, cause there are still boogers out there just waiting to get me!) I learned not to jump on people when they visit, cept sometimes I forget. Oh, and my Mom is teaching me a mean trick. She calls it WAIT. She puts a treat on my nose and says "Wait, wait, wait" forever and ever and ever. Then after about 2 years and 3 days, she says "OK!" and I get to eat the treat. That is a mean trick to me, but she laughs and calls me a good boy, so I let her do it.

I gotta tell you about my new friend! Her name is Ashlynn and she comes to visit me sometimes. She used to be really little and I could not get close to her cause everyone would say, "NO!!!" But now she is bigger and she likes to play with me. She yells for me and I can sit next to her on the couch. She pets me and pokes me and kisses me. Sometimes, when nobody is watching, I give her kisses back. Shhhh! Don't tell her momma. Ashlynn is so fun. I even let her sit on my back and play horsey. She really likes me and not Lupa or the cats. She never pets them, just me. Ha Ha!

Well, it is time for me to go to bed now. Dad is looking sleepy and he can't sleep unless I am next to him. I'll tell my Mom to put pictures on here soon.
