Ya'll 'member Shannon? The feller that I used to live with? Well, he got 2 new dogs. Their names is Jasmine and Bullet. They are pit bulls like me and they are still puppies. But they ain't as fun as me or as cute. Anyway, Shannon put them in that old pen he built for me. Ha! They found that hole that makes it easy for them to escape. And guess where they came. YEP. Right over here to my house. And they got to come in the house. My mom and dad musta lost their minds. Member what happened the last time Shannon had a d

og? Yeah, I ran away! And stayed here!!!
So them dogs came in here and sniffed around and made Chalupa mad and she fussed and griped the whole time. Kizzie ran and got in the big bed so they couldn't get in it. Rudy stayed close to me and tried to help me watch them bad little puppies. Let me tell you, it ain't easy babysittin. Them puppies tried to love on my mom and I had to make 'em move. Then they ate all the food in my bowl! The little pigs. And they scared Lewie and he ran to hide in the closet. Finally, I just let them play and me and Dad and Rudy sat on the couch and watched them. They wasn't real bad then. They just 'splored the livin room.

After about 10 years and 3 days, Shannon came to get them. He told 'em they wasn't supposed to get out of their pen and they looked like they didn't know what he was talkin about. (They ain't real smart.) Then they ran out to the truck and I heard their momma yellin at em to get in the truck. I don't think Bullet did, cause she was hollerin at him the whole time. I told Shannon he owed me $500 million dollars for babysittin and he said he would pay me tomorrow. I just don't believe him though.