OMG! OMG! I am having a real good day! First, me and my dad went and got breakfast. I got a sausage biscuit cause that is my favorite. Chalupa and Rudy got one too even though I told dad they didn't need it.
After we got home, mom fixed some towels in the backseat of her new car and told me and Rudy that we was goin somewhere. YAY! That is the first time I got to ride in the new car. So anyway, me and Rudy got in the backseat. Mom rolled down the back window for me to stick my head out. We all left and when we got to town, Mom didn't stop at Co-Op or at Jack's. She just kept goin! I thought we was goin to Pawpaw's, but she didn't turn there either. She turned down this long curvy road and we went about 5,629 miles. Then we pulled up to this place where some people was. I think it was a party for me! Dad put that string on my collar before we got out. He called it a "leash". I think he did that so I wouldn't lose him around all them people. He kinda wanders away sometimes.
Anyway, when we got out, my Pawpaw and his dog, Bubba, magically appeared! I ain't sure how Pawpaw does them tricks, but he is pretty good. So we walked over to these people and started talkin to 'em. Mom signed some stuff while I introduced myself to them. They thought I was "a hoot". I don't know what that means, but it must be good. I got to meet some other dogs too. There was one that had a LOT of fur. I was so embarrassed cause Rudy was sniffin that dog's hind end. Jeez! Then there was a puppy that was kinda big. And there was one that wouldn't get out of his mom's car. I guess he was mad cause the party wasn't for him.
After I met everyone, this real nice lady came and gave me a shot in the butt. She said I was Good Dog cause I didn't move or nothin. They gave one to Rudy and Bubba too. They was pretty good I guess. Then I got a pretty red heart to go on my collar and another tag that will help me get home if somebody dog-naps me. It was a fun party! We got snacks too. And lots of petting.

When it was time to go, I called shot gun so I got to ride in the front seat all the way home! Dad and Rudy had to ride in the back. Haha!