My mom and dad made them a bigger pen the other day-I had to help them cause they ain't real smart about that stuff. Anyway, we made that bigger pen and let them chickens in there. Now, everday, me and mom and dad and sometimes Weagle go in there and talk to them chickens. Sometimes, they get in my mom or dad's lap and I don't like that. They got sharp beaks and they could peck out somebody's eyeballs. (My girlfriend Bebe told me that) So, today, me and mom and dad was in there talking to them chickens and the ducks and the gooses. Well, I laid down to rest and guess what my mom did?? She put chicken food on me! Then them stoopid chickens started eatin off me! It kinda felt good when the girl chickens ate, but when that boy chichen-a rooster, my mom says-did it, he pecked me hard and that hurt. I yelled at him and he fluffed up his wings. I think he was saying something ugly, but I don't talk chicken, so I ain't sure.
If I go back in there tomorrow, I am gonna tell him that I don't 'preciate him pecking my back like that and he better not do it again. And them gooses, well they better just be nice to me. I know all about gooses now and I ain't takin no crap off of none of them. I'll just bite them in their long old necks. But I can't let my mom and dad know that cause they like them gooses. I don't know why. Everbody knows that gooses are stoopid!
I'll let ya'll know if I have to eat a goose or chicken.
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