Ya'll ain't gonna believe what my Mom and Dad brought me. They went and got 2 little baby goats! They are so dang cute. Mom ain't named 'em yet, so I just call 'em babies.
This is me and the girl baby. She is real sweet. She lets me lick her ears. She is real little and drinks out of a bottle. It's kinda funny, though. The other day, I tasted that bottle and it was a little good and a lot gross. I think Mom ought to put some chocolate in there to make it taste better.
I wonder if goats can eat chocolate. I can't cause it is bad for me.

This is me guardin' the baby boy. He is a little bit bigger and he is gettin' little horns on his head! They are all pointy and hurt when he punches me with his little head. He punched Kizzie right in her head and made her so mad. She didn't even speak to him all day! He drinks a bottle too.
You know what else? Them little babies eat grass and sticks! Evertime Mom and Dad take them to their pen, they go in there and eat whatever is growin. Mom said they are s'posed to do that, but I don't believe her. That is just weird.
I better go for now. Them babies are sleepin, so I need to take a nap while I have time. Ya never know when they are gonna wake up hollerin for a bottle.
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