Well, since Pawpaw went to Heaven, his dog (my cousin) had to come live at our house. His name is Bubba and he is a Basset Hound. That means he is short and fat with long ears that get in the water when he drinks. It kinda makes our water taste like ears. Anyway, me and Bubba are pretty good buds. Cept, sometimes he tries to go to out the door first and I have to remind him that I am the boss. He can be the boss over Rudy and Miracle. But not Puss, cause only Puss is the boss of Puss. Not even Mom.
Let me tell you about Bubba. He is a little weird. He likes to eat the goat's food. And when he runs, his whole body flaps around and he looks like a goob. And he has a hard time jumping up the steps. I think that is cause his legs are only 2 inches long. And his body is 14 feet long and his ears are a mile. He makes me laugh when he barks at the horses. Like they are even scared of him! Puleeze. They know they better mind me.
Well, I need to go for now cause it is time to feed the goats and chickens and chase the horses and find sticks to chew up. I'll be back.
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