Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do I look like a Message Board??

You know what? There are some problems with having white fur and living in a house that has markers. I don't know whose bright idea it was to start this, but some smarty pants people think it is fun to write on me! Just look what they did when that new Harry Potter movie came out!

I don't need glasses! I can see just fine.

Now, I am a pampered dog and I like to have my toenails polished and my fur brushed, but having writing on me does nothing for my street cred. I mean, I have to chase those horses and do you think they take me serious when I have Ho Ho Ho wrote across my forhead? I don't think so. And Stoopid Goose must be really blind cause he tried to pull off my fake glasses. I still have a sore spot on my nose from that. I hate that goose.
And what of some pretty lady dog comes by and sees that? How would I impress her with words all over me? What if she can read?

Sometimes I don't mind it so much. If it is not a lot of writing and it makes me cuter. But when they use the Sharpie and it stays for days and days, it kinda bugs me. Or when they draw smiley faces on my butt. How can anything be intimidated by a dog with a smiley butt?

Maybe I can find those markers and chew them up. But that would probably be "Bad Dog" and I don't want to get in trouble with my Mom. I'll have to think about this one for a while. It helps me think when I chase the horses, so I think I'll go do that. Bye!!


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Riding in the Car

Hey, it's me again. My mom says lots of people like my blog. Most of them even think I am handsome. Those are the smart people.

Today, I think I'll tell you about one of my favorite things to do. I love, love, love to ride in the car. I don't want my mom to go anywhere without me. I get in the car every time I can. Even if she is not going anywhere for a while and just leaves her window down. Sometimes we go to the bank and I get a bone. Sometimes we go to Taco Bell and I get a taco. Sometimes we go to Granny's and I get nothing. We go to Granny's a lot.

One time, my mom decided to leave me in the house all by myself while she went somewhere. (I think it might have been to pet another dog, even though she said she was going shopping!) Anyway, I watched her leave through the window and I wanted to go sooo bad! And I was scared to be by myself and it was Christmas time and I was afraid someone would sneak in and steal me. So, I thought about it and thought about it and decided to try something. I jumped up and right through her front window! But I couldn't find her after I got out, so I went to Granny's. That afternoon, when Dad got home, I found out they didn't like having all the fresh air in the house and that it was "BAD DOG!" to break windows. Me and Mom learned a good lesson. She doesn't leave me alone in her house when she leaves and I don't break windows.

Speaking of lessons, I should tell you another important one to know. When you are riding in the car and the window is open, DON'T LEAN WAY OUT. One time on the way back from the bank, Mom had all the windows down and we were almost home. I was sticking my head way out and flapping in the breeze. I love it when the wind blows my ears and lips. Anyway, this time I was leaning out and it felt so good that I leaned out more. Then all of a sudden, I fell out the window!! Mom yelled for me and stopped real quick--good thing she wasn't going really fast. She hopped out of the car and looked at my legs and head and said that I wasn't hurt. Well, my pride was! I mean I am a dog! We aren't supposed to fall out car windows! It's like a rule, or maybe even a law or something! When I think about it now, I might have felt Lupa shove me a little. She can be mean like that. I know she was laughing at me cause I saw her!

Me and Mom learned another good lesson that day. I learned not to trust Lupa, and she learned not to roll the window all the way down and to hold onto my back leg. She's a good Mom.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Ok, know that you know who I am, I'll be telling you some of my 'ventures, as Mom calls them. First, I'll tell you what happened a few weeks ago. While I was sleeping, some white stuff fell on the ground! Mom said it was snow. Let me tell you, it was cold! And it was everywhere! Mom said we could go out and play in it, but first I had to have a hat to keep my ears from freezin off. If you ask me, that is kinda silly, but they made me wear it. Lupa didn't have to, but she did not play as much as me.

That's me and Lupa and my dad. He had to hold me to keep that hat on! We played in the snow stuff for a while. It must be really cold on goose feet, cause that goose was steppin high. Stoopid Goose is his name. I hate that goose. And I think he hates me too cause he bites me everytime I am not looking. I would bite him in that long neck, but Mom and Dad fuss at me if I try. Stoopid goose.

Anyway, we played chase the horses, keep away from the goose and Dad made up a new game, where he made a ball out of the snow and threw it for me to go get it. Except, I would see it land and run to get it, but I could never find it. That wasn't a very fun game for me, even though mom and dad laughed and laughed.

I got my picture made a lot that day. Mom said something about a scrapbook or something. This one is my favorite. I think I look cool.
When we all got good and cold, we wanted to come in the house. Since I am the baby, I get to go first. So I ran and jumped up the steps, to get ahead of Lupa. But when I landed on the porch, I slipped on the snow and my feet went out from under me and I slid right into the front door. Kinda hurt my nose, but when I went in Mom wrapped me in a blankie and I got to lay on the couch and get warm. Stoopid Goose had to stay out in the cold! Ha! That is what he gets for being Stoopid!
I'll post more of my ventures later. Right now, it is time to bark at boogers outside. I have never really seen one, but I think that is cause my bark sounds so mean and it scares them.
