Thursday, April 21, 2011

Imma Chicken Hero

I think chickens are just plain dumb. My mom has some goofy little chickens with funny feathers all over their heads. They look like they have sticky up hair dos. Anyway, they got out of their cage this mornin and was runnin all over the yard. My mom was chasin 'em and hollerin at 'em and they just was runnin from her. See! Dumb! So, mom caught them and put them in another pen and when I counted, there was one missin. Mom said it was prolly gone for good and just to not worry.

I decided to patrol the yard and make sure everthing was ok. I saw that bad little cat, Weagle and I went to see what he was doin. Guess what I found? Yep! That baby chicken! Weagle had been watching him, so I made him leave and I waited right there with him til my mom got over there. She was surprised that I found him and was keepin him safe for her. And she was surprised that Weagle didn't eat him!

So, I am the hero again today. I like bein the hero. I really need a cape!

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